Barbora Martinkovičová
How old is one in between being two years old and three years old?
The article deals with the formation of compound adjectives whose first part is derived from a decimal (namely from n a půl ‘n and half’), and with the spelling of such adjectives. The analysis is based on corpus data (SYN v8). Two word-forming strategies compete against each other: either the first part of the adjective changes to the genitive (dvouapůlletý) or it remains unchanged (dvaapůlletý). The analysis shows that the former type is more frequent in written texts. As the number referred to grows higher, the distribution of the two strategies becomes more balanced, and writers tend to avoid choosing one of them by the use of the digits in spelling (2,5letý).
Key words: compound adjective, compound numeral expression, spelling, word formation
Klíčová slova: složená adjektiva, složený číselný výraz, tvoření slov, způsob zápisu
Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Letenská 123/4, 118 51 Praha 1
Naše řeč, ročník 103 (2020), číslo 5
Předchozí Ondřej Dufek, Michal Hořejší: Rok spolupráce Naší řeči a Českých center
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