Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

Fonologická adaptace anglicismů v kvantitativním pohledu

Tomáš Duběda



The phonological adaptation of Anglicisms to Czech: a quantitative approach

The article aims at describing and quantifying the phonological processes involved in the adaptation of Anglicisms to Czech. The object of the analysis is a comprehensive database of phonological forms obtained from dictionaries. The prevailing principle is phonological approximation, i.e. the perceptually motivated, systemic substitution of English phonemes by Czech phonemes, which includes, apart from one-to-one phonemic projections, phonological mergers, context-sensitive substitutions, and variant substitutions. The adaptation is based on the British phonological system, the influence of American English being only marginal. The second fundamental principle in order of importance is spelling pronunciation. The distribution of these principles and their combinations is relatively stable in the centre and at the periphery of the lexical subsystem of Anglicisms. In approximately one-fifth of the sample, the two primary principles are complemented by one or more secondary principles (analogy with English, Czech or a third language, language universals, anomalies).

Key words: Anglicisms, borrowings, Czech, phonological adaptation, phonology
Klíčová slova: anglicismy, čeština, fonologická adaptace, fonologie, výpůjčky

Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.

Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1

Naše řeč, ročník 101 (2018), číslo 5

Předchozí Z jazykové poradny

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