Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

Německá toponyma a poněmčování v zajetí nacionalismu 19. století

Tereza Klemensová



German toponyms and Germanization under the influence of 19th-century nationalism

Due to the complicated history between Czechs and Germans, research on names (especially German names) has often been influenced by nationalism and – from the linguistic point of view – purism. Czech authors wanted to improve the Slavic origin of the German place names, thus we can find some false interpretations in their papers. However, more attention has arisen because of the Germanization of Slavic names, which was fixed as a part of the revision after the 1918. The revision after the 1945, when most of the names of the German origin were removed as a symbol of the Germans and German dominance, was more radical. At present, the perception of German place names is changing. As the result we can encounter the rehabilitation or revitalization of these names (especially in the case of non-standardized toponyms or chrematonyms).

Key words: folk etymology, German place names, Germanization, purism
Klíčová slova: germanizace, lidová etymologie, německá toponyma, purismus

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Naše řeč, ročník 101 (2018), číslo 4

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