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en cz

Poznámka k perifrastickému futuru u obouvidových sloves aneb Prezident bude abdikovat

Luboš Veselý



A note on the periphrastic futurum of biaspectual verbs or Prezident bude abdikovat

This paper presents a phenomenon (almost) thus far unnoticed, namely the use of a periphrastic futurum for the purpose of expressing perfectivity in the future tense of the biaspectual verbs (bude vetovat, bude exkomunikovat, bude rezignovat). This is actually a competition between the perfective present tense (prezident abdikujepf.) and the periphrastic futurum (prezident bude abdikovat). One of the main aims of this text is to explain this phenomenon. The author concludes that: (1) the cause or trigger of the observed phenomenon is the homonymy of the perfective and imperfective present tense, respectively their ambiguity, which may interfere with the smooth course of communication, (2) the purpose is to clearly indicate that it refers to the action in the future, (3) the relatively unambiguous expression of perfectivity by the periphrastic futurum is made possible by the lexical semantics of the respective verbs, their “non-durativity” or “short-term nature”. Other issues dealt with in this study are: (1) the possible undesirable consequences of aspectual homonymy, (2) the ways and means of their elimination, and (3) the causes of the persistence of aspectual homonymy.

Key words: aspectual homonymy, biaspectual verbs, perfectivity, periphrastic futurum, verbal aspect
Klíčová slova: dokonavost, obouvidová slovesa, perifrastické futurum, slovesný vid, vidová homonymie

Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.

Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1

Naše řeč, ročník 101 (2018), číslo 4

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