Lucie Jílková
(Not) stressing the words no and jo
This paper attempts to answer the following research question: Is the un/stressed pronunciation of the Czech words no and jo related to the word’s functions and meanings? To answer this question, I analyze a guest interview from the Czech late-night talk show Uvolněte se, prosím, which is part of the DIALOG corpus (duration of the dialogue: 18 minutes). The analysis reveals that the stressed pronunciation prevails in both cases. The analysis points to individual speech styles, e.g. the host of the interview pronounces no as an unstressed word when no functions as a preparatory particle.
Key words: Czech word no, Czech word jo, talk show, DIALOG corpus, word stress, word function/meaning
Klíčová slova: slovo no, slovo jo, talk show, korpus DIALOG, slovní přízvuk, funkce/význam slova
Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1
Naše řeč, volume 100 (2017), issue 3
Previous Jana Hoffmannová, Zuzana Komrsková, Petra Poukarová: „Reprodukce“ řeči v mluveném projevu (řeč přímá, nepřímá, ev. polopřímá téměř sto let po Hallerovi)
Next Irena Fuková: Smiechoval a jiní -valové/-válové ve staré češtině