Markus Giger
Resultative constructions with the short and full form of the n-/t-participle. Results from the Czech National Corpus after the introduction of a new morphological tag
Until recently, the full form of the n-/t-participle was tagged in the Czech National Corpus as a common adjective. Only with the new corpus SYN2020 a special tag was introduced. This allows for research into the role of both the short and the full form of the n-/t-participle with resultatives in written Standard Czech texts. The results show that the full form of the participle has in most contexts a significantly higher frequency than the short form. The only exceptions are subject and object resultatives without subject (Je zataženo / Je otevřeno) and possessive resultatives without object (Mají zavřeno), both with the participle in the neuter singular form. In these cases the full forms seldom occur in actual written Czech texts. The use of the new tag in other corpora than SYN2020 will allow for better research on full forms of the n-/t-participle in Czech, not only in resultative constructions.
Key words: Czech, resultative, participle, short vs. full form, corpus, morphological tagging
Klíčová slova: čeština, jmenný vs. složený tvar, korpus, morfologické značky, příčestí, rezultativum
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Ústav východoevropských studií FF UK
nám. Jana Palacha 1/2
116 38 Praha 1
Naše řeč, volume 105 (2022), issue 2
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