Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

(Re)ediční praxe Daniela Adama z Veleslavína: Kronika o založení Země české a prvních obyvatelích jejích Martina Kuthena ze Šprinsberka

Dmitrij Timofejev



Daniel Adam of Veleslavín (re)editing: Martin Kuthen of Šprinsberk’s Chronicle of the Founding of the Czech Lands

The famous Czech printer Daniel Adam of Veleslavín (1546–1599), as well as most of his fellow typographers, not only published previously unreleased works, but also prepared a number of re-editons. Our research is focused on the changes made by Veleslavín in his re-edition of Martin Kuthen’s Chronicle of the Founding of the Czech Lands. The paper concludes by arguing that Kuthen’s original text from 1539 was reprinted by Veleslavín in 1585 rather precisely, and changes were made in an attempt to systematically treat phenomena that vary at random in the first edition. This resulted, for example, in a quantitative reduction of minuscule digraphs, in the declining occurrence of the prothetic consonant v- before the phoneme /o/, as well as in diminished use of the auxiliary verb to be in the third person of the past tense. Nevertheless, a few features (e.g., the increasing use of the letter combination «uo» instead of the more progressive letter «ů» to spell the vowel /u:/ from Old Czech /o:/) were employed by Veleslavín most probably to preserve the archaic aura of Kuthen’s Chronicle, otherwise modernized by him in several respects.

Key words: Daniel Adam of Veleslavín, history of morphology, history of orthography, history of phonology, Humanist Czech, Humanist historiography, Humanist printing, Martin Kuthen of Šprinsberk
Klíčová slova: Daniel Adam z Veleslavína, dějiny hláskosloví, dějiny morfologie, dějiny pravopisu, humanistická čeština, humanistická historiografie, humanistický knihtisk, Martin Kuthen ze Šprinsberka

Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.

Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Valentinská 91/1, 116 46 Praha

Naše řeč, volume 105 (2022), issue 2

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