Operátor lomeno koordinátor lomeno adordinátor: K funkcím slova lomeno
Jakub Sláma
Operator slash coordinator slash adordinator: On the functions of lomeno 'slash'
The paper uses various corpora to scrutinize the uses of lomeno 'slash' in Czech. The word lomeno is sometimes used when the name of the slash sign is spelled out explicitly, and it is used in mathematical operations. The word has, however, two more uses not registered in Czech linguistic literature: it can function as a coordinator, typically (but not necessarily) with the meaning of 'or'; it can also be used similarly to the English slash when conjoining two coreferential words or phrases (i.e., as an "adordinator" or apposition marker).
Key words: adordination, conjunction, coordination, operator, syntax
Klíčová slova: adordinace, koordinace, operátor, spojka, syntax
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Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Letenská 123/4, 118 51 Praha 1
Naše řeč, ročník 105 (2022), číslo 1
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