Miloslav Vondráček
On the existence of nominative prepositions in Czech
The paper deals with words that precede the noun in the nominative form in Czech. It evaluates them in terms of parts of speech with regard to the functions that these words realize. It focuses on words of non-Czech origin that are classified (more or less traditionally) as nominative prepositions (kontra, versus, à la, via). It analogously treats other words from Czech which perform similar functions in the sentence. The author poses the question of whether it is theoretically possible for a preposition to be associated with the nominative, to determine it, to demand it. The answer is negative. The author concludes that the contra versus expressions are not prepositions, but conjunctions, and proposes that other verbal forms should be evaluated as particles. Some can be considered text structuring particles (ad, viz ‘see’, srov. ‘cf.’), others prenominative particles (via). The function of these words is to be a signal of nominative for naming, which is effective in communication.
Key words: conjunction, nominative, particle, preposition
Klíčová slova: částice, nominativ, předložka, spojka
Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i
Letenská 123/4, 118 51 Praha 1
Naše řeč, ročník 103 (2020), číslo 1-2
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