Martin Adamec
On the term host: linguistic and media-historical aspects
This paper deals with selected linguistic and media-historical aspects of the term host in the sense of the professional title, which came into use in the Czech, respectively Czechoslovak media space, in the 1970s. The author first analyzes the developmental issues related to the introduction and stabilization of this term, then deals with the issue of its interpretation, which is currently not uniform. Therefore the author also offers his own definition, and in conclusion, to achieve complexity, compares the host profession with the other professions similar to hosting.
Key words: host, media communication, radio, social communication, television
Klíčová slova: mediálni komunikace, moderátor, rozhlas, sociálni komunikace, televize
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Martin Adamec, advokát
Máchova 514/9, 120 00 Praha 2
Naše řeč, ročník 102 (2019), číslo 5
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