Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

S radosti. K vokalické kvantitě v koncovkách instrumentálu singuláru feminin

Veronika Vytlačilová

[Short articles]


S radosti: On vowel quantity in instrumental singular feminine endings

The paper analyses 57 Czech prints from the humanistic and baroque periods, focusing on the marked short vowel <i> in instrumental singular feminine endings, which appears overall in 43 prints. The linguistic motivation for the short vowel, rather than the graphic one, is discussed.

Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.

Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Valentinská 1, 116 46 Praha 1

Naše řeč, volume 100 (2017), issue 5

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