Časopis Naše řeč
en cz


Anna Černá

[Short articles]


On the Czech word lauf

The article deals with the meaning of the Czech noun lauf. The relevant dictionaries state only slang meanings ‘(gun) barrel’ and ‘rapid series of tones’. Nevertheless, that does not meet the present word usage. The paper focuses on sports environment, where lauf is commonly used synonym for long-distance run. It also notices nouns laufař/laufařka and observes the usage and meaning of phrases like být v laufu (‘to be in lauf’) and dostat se do laufu (‘to get into lauf’).

Key words: etymology, lauf, lexicography, meaning, semantic change, slang
Klíčová slova: etymologie, lauf, lexikografie, slang, význam, významová změna

Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.

Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Letenská 123/4, 118 51 Praha 1

Naše řeč, volume 103 (2020), issue 4

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