Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

Interpozice ve staré češtině

Olga Navrátilová



Interpositions in Old Czech

The paper focuses on word order in nominal phrases (NP) in which the modifying components of the NP are extracted outside their syntactic domains. These components are separated from the head of their phrase by another word (or words) not bound by the syntactic relations inside the NP, and therefore appear in a distant position, away from the dominating noun. This distant position of NP modifying components tends to be on the periphery in the modern Czech system; however, some authors (e.g. Trávníček, 1956, p. 154) consider it to be a word order variant which is rather typical of earlier stages of Czech language development.

Key words: interposition, development of Czech syntax, word order, Old Czech
Klíčová slova: interpozice, vývoj české syntaxe, slovosled, stará čeština

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Ústav českého jazyka FF MU
Arna Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno

Naše řeč, volume 100 (2017), issue 3

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