Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

O jazyce próz Jaroslava Hutky

František Štícha



On the language of the prose works of Jaroslav Hutka

The article provides insight into the language creativity of the Czech musician, composer, songwriter and activist, but also prose writer Jaroslav Hutka by selecting the word forms, words with specific word-formation patterns and specific syntactic patterns found in his prose. This prose is written in sophisticated and imaginative language containing many linguistic means that are rare and atypical and many of them are very likely individual creations of the author himself. The syntactic structures or patterns found include: atypical ellipsis of the object in transitive verb predicates, stylistically marked passive structures, and atypical causative predicates.

Key words: Jaroslav Hutka, fiction, imagination, non-usual words, individual word-formation, passive, causative, ellipsis
Klíčová slova: Hutka, umělecká próza, imaginativnost, neuzuality, individuální slovotvorba, pasivum, kauzace, elipsa

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Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1

Naše řeč, volume 100 (2017), issue 2

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