Žaneta Dvořáková
Names given to waifs found in baby hatches
Between 2006 and 2021, 231 babies were anonymously abandoned by their parents in the so-called baby hatches or baby boxes placed around the Czech Republic. First names and surnames are given to these children by nurses in hospitals or mostly by Ludvík Hess, the founder and organizer of the project of baby boxes in the Czech Republic. First names are chosen after nurses or doctors in hospitals, sponsors of the project, and Hess’s friends. Sometimes the waifs are given the name corresponding to the respective name-day in the Czech calendar. Assigned surnames are motivated by the time (day, holiday, season) when, or the place (toponym) where, the child was found. However, these names are informal and temporary. The official first name and surname of the child must be decided by a court. Names can then be changed again after adoption.
Key words: babybox, first name, onomastics, surname, waif
Klíčová slova: babybox, nalezenec, onomastika, příjmení, rodné jméno
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Ústav pro jazyk český, AV ČR
Valentinská 1, 116 46 Praha 1
Naše řeč, ročník 105 (2022), číslo 4
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