Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

Užitečnost polo- termínů v českém syntaktickém popisu

Milada Hirschová



Usefulness of terms including the component polo- (‘semi-’) in syntactic descriptions of Czech

The article discusses the origin, occurrence and use of terms referring to syntactic phenomena marked by a lower level of their categorical specialization. While the terms polosponové sloveso (‘semi-copula’) and polopredikativní konstrukce (‘semi-predicative construction’) can be considered as traditional, the term polovedlejší věta (‘semi-subordinate clause’) was introduced relatively recently. All of these polo- terms have in common their not entirely clear conceptual background, as well as the fact that they refer to a wide and diverse range of phenomena in Czech syntactic treatises. The present article suggests terminological simplification based on formal, propositional and pragmatic criteria.

Key words: secondary/embedded predication, semi-copular verb, semi-predicative construction, semi-subordinate clause, formal vs. propositional approach to compound and complex sentences, pragmatic factors in syntax
Klíčová slova: formální vs. propoziční přístup k souvětí, polosponové sloveso, polovedlejší věta, polovětná konstrukce, pragmatické faktory v syntaxi, sekundární/zapuštěná predikace

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Katedra českého jazyka PedF UK
M. D. Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1

Naše řeč, ročník 105 (2022), číslo 4

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