Eva Lehečková, Jiří Januška
Topic infinitive construction in Czech within the Central European linguistic region
The paper presents a corpus-based survey of the [Viinf Vif] construction in Czech in comparison with geographically close languages, namely Slovak, Polish, and Hungarian. Through a detailed qualitative analysis of Czech data, it points out lexical and morphosyntactic restrictions on the construction and links them to the strong tendency of the construction to be used in a specific discourse context where opposing assertions are contrasted. As an outcome, a prototypical representation of the construction in Czech is provided, drawing on theoretical concepts from Construction Grammar. Confronted with the evidence from the geographically close languages, the Czech construction is shown to impose more restrictions on the structural complexity as well as register, exhibiting e.g. frequent argument omission as well as severe restrictions on modification. In general, the paper argues in favour of geographically based cross-linguistic studies of linguistic phenomena, as such an approach can enable us to identify down both similarities and differences between similar patterns conventionalized across geographically close languages.
Key words: adversative relation, Central European languages, Construction Grammar, language contact, parallel language corpora, topicalization, valency
Klíčová slova: adverzativní vztah, jazykový kontakt, jazyky střední Evropy, konstrukční gramatika, paralelní jazykové korpusy, topikalizace, valence
Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.
Eva Lehečková
Ústav českého jazyka a teorie komunikace
náměstí Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha 1
Jiří Januška
Katedra středoevropských studií FF UK
náměstí Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha 1
Naše řeč, ročník 103 (2020), číslo 5
Předchozí Martin Beneš: Language rules, rule-sentences, and how they are interrelated, or Norm vs. codification
Následující Barbora Štěpánková: K možnostem zachycení pragmatické složky významu v jednojazyčném výkladovém slovníku (na příkladu hesel z oblasti etnografie a antropologie)