Josef Šimandl
On interpreting the meaning of the words zpolitizovaný ‘politicized’ and politika ‘politics/policy/polity’
The article offers a philological description of usage, mainly focused on the adjective zpolitizovaný ‘politicized’, thus far not mentioned in Czech dictionaries. The first part presents the semantic fields of nouns usually modified with the adjective zpolitizovaný. The second part brings some observations on context, grammatical properties (negation, gradation), the history of usage and properties of the lexical meaning. The third part shows that the meaning of the adjective zpolitizovaný cannot be derived from the explanation of the meanings of basic words (esp. politika), and then offers a method for explaining the respective meanings (incl. the adjective zideologizovaný ‘having been made ideological’). Because one of key words in the new meaning description was game, the fourth part first focuses on usage of the expression politická hra ‘political game’; then lexicographic problems with verbs for playing are sketched; afterwards the game theory is mentioned as a possible inspiration for pragmatics research. The last part offers two more general observations.
Key words: adjective zpolitizovaný ‘politicized’, game theory, meaning explanations, notion of game, noun politika ‘politics/policy/polity’, philological description
Klíčová slova: adjektivum zpolitizovaný, filologický popis, pojem hry, substantivum politika, teorie her, vymezení významu
Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Letenská 123/4, 118 51 Praha 1
Naše řeč, ročník 102 (2019), číslo 1-2
Předchozí Martin Beneš, Ondřej Dufek, Martina Rybová, Michal Hořejší: Úvodní slovo redakce
Následující Martin Šemelík, Michal Škrabal: Poznámky k poznámkám: Usage notes v českém lexikografickém prostředí