Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

Experimentální výzkum gramatického vidu a způsobu slovesného děje: situační modely

Jan Chromý



Experimental research on grammatical and lexical aspect: situation models

The paper presents an overview of experimental research on the role of grammatical and lexical aspect on the construction of situation models. The first part of the paper is concerned with terminological issues. The second part discusses the advantages of experimental methods in aspectual research. The third part presents selected research in the field. It is shown that most studies actually use incorrect terminology and that the distinction between progressive and
non-progressive (or perfect) is incorrectly labelled as the distinction between imperfective and perfective. The paper argues that this should not be a reason to discount these studies and that it would be fruitful to include Czech language in the experimental research of aspect, since the Czech aspectual system could potentially enhance our understanding of the construction of situation models in language comprehension as such.

Key words: grammatical aspect, lexical aspect, mental simulation, situation models
Klíčová slova: mentální simulace, situační modely, vid, způsob slovesného děje

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Ústav českého jazyka a teorie komunikace FF UK
náměstí Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1

Naše řeč, ročník 101 (2018), číslo 3

Předchozí Z jazykové poradny

Následující Vojtěch Veselý: K slovotvorné funkci reflexivních morfémů se, si