Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

Apoziční vedlejší věty

Josef Štěpán



Appositional subordinate clauses

In the frame of the formal-semantic level description of language system, appositonal subordinate clause is defined as a subordinate clause incorporated into the matrix-clause by the semantic-syntactic relationship of apposition. Appositional subordinate clause specifies the anticipatory expression in the matrix-clause and its reference is identical with this expression (the same denotatum is expressed twice). The appositional clause has the same sentence validity and the anticipatory expression, however, it belongs to a different level than the determinative subordinate clause. Appositional clauses are classified according to the connective introducing this clause (autosemantic, synsemantic). In case of autosemantic connective (pronoun or adverb) according to the denotatum common to the anticipatory expression and the connective (person, thing, place, time, manner).

Key words: anticipatory expression, appositional subordinate clause, denotatum, determination, indication – specification, connective
Klíčová slova: anticipační výraz, apoziční vedlejší věta, denotát, determinace, naznačování – konkretizace, spojovací výraz

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Peroutkova 1760/19, 150 00 Praha 5

Naše řeč, ročník 101 (2018), číslo 2

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