Michaela Lišková
Trading in an aging wife for a pretty young fox. On exemplification in The Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech
In dictionaries, exemplification serves to illustrate the use of headwords. This article attempts to contribute to the elaboration and specification of the general exemplification principles, as demonstrated on the material of the manuscript of The Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech. It deals with the adequate length of the exemplification as a whole and the length of individual examples. It also devotes attention to content-related aspects, with emphasis on the socially sensitive topic of gender. Examples should not have controversial content, otherwise the reader’s attention can go off in an unwanted direction. They should not insult or hurt anybody, yet typical examples cannot be entirely ignored either, as the dictionary must not be censored.
Key words: dictionary example, exemplification, gender, lexicography, monolingual dictionary, political correctness
Klíčová slova: slovníkový příklad/doklad, exemplifikace, gender, lexikografie, výkladový slovník, politická korektnost
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Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1
Naše řeč, volume 100 (2017), issue 1
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