Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

České entomologické odborné názvosloví ze slovotvorného hlediska – odvozování

Zdeňka Kohoutková



Czech entomological terminology from the word-formation point of view – derivation

In this study, derived names of insects in Czech were excerpted from two books: Atlas hmyzu [Insect Atlas] (Pokorný – Šifner, 2004) and Hmyz [The Insect] (Zahradniḱ – Severa, 2015). A significant majority of these were formed independently of the international Latin terms. It turns out that the most common suffixes used to create Czech scientific insect names denote diminution, substantives derived from adjectives, agent nouns, and feminine forms derived from masculine ones.

Key words: deminution, deriving, entomology, feminine derived from masculine, insects, terminology, word-formation
Klíčová slova: deminuce, derivace, entomologie, hmyz, přechýleni, slovotvorba, terminologie

Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.

Oddelek za slavistiko, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubjana, Slovinsko

Naše řeč, volume 102 (2019), issue 5

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