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en cz

Poznámky k poznámkám: Usage notes v českém lexikografickém prostředí

Martin Šemelík, Michal Škrabal



Notes on notes: Usage notes in Czech lexicography

In Czech dictionaries, usage notes (UN) are not a completely unknown lexicographic asset; nevertheless, most Czech academic dictionaries seem to neglect them. This fact is symptomatic of the mainstream approach to lexicography as a strictly linguistic discipline that views the dictionary as being an artefact of linguistic analysis rather than a tool used for solving language problems. Within the lexicographic process, the target users and their needs – or dictionary functions – play an important role. Against the background of an analysis of the present practice in selected dictionaries, we attempt some concrete design proposals for the UN in an emerging Czech academic dictionary. In this respect, different questions arise, for instance: Which concrete phenomena should be addressed in the UN? Which type of UN do dictionary users expect?

Key words: Czech language, function theory, lexicography, usage notes
Klíčová slova: český jazyk, funkční teorie, lexikografie, usage notes

Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.

Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Letenská 123/4, 118 51 Praha 1

Naše řeč, volume 102 (2019), issue 1-2

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