Aneta Bučková
Language ideologies and language management of Czechoslovak emigrants in Bavaria
In order to describe and explain the differences in the form of language of different types of bilingual speakers, it is important to analyse not only the language, but also the language ideologies and language management, which reflect and co-determine its use. This article deals with language ideologies and language management in narrative interviews with German-Czech bilinguals who emigrated from the Czech part of Czechoslovakia to the Federal Republic of Germany in the years 1964–1986. The respondents are divided into late ethnic repatriates of Sudeten German origin (Spätaussiedler*innen) and migrants without German roots (Migrant*innen). Against the background of the different linguistic biographies of these groups of respondents, the article reconstructs the different forms of their linguistic ideologies and language management. The language ideologies shaped by family background have a crucial impact on the language management and the resulting linguistic as well as social practices of the respondents. They also correlate with the frequency and nature of language contact phenomena in both Czech and German.
Key words: bilingualism, language biography, language contact, language ideology, language management
Klíčová slova: dvojjazyčnost, jazyková biografie, jazyková ideologie, jazykový kontakt, jazykový management
Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.
Bohemicum – Center for Czech Studies, Universität Regensburg
Universitätsstraße 31, 93040 Regensburg, Spolková republika Německo
Naše řeč, ročník 104 (2021), číslo 5
Předchozí Marek Nekula: Čeština v Německu – jazyk v kontaktu a izolaci v „generaci exil“
Následující Tereza Kopecká: Nová kniha o volyňské češtině