Irena Fuková, Petr Nejedlý, Štěpán Šimek
On the preparation of the Dictionary of Early Modern Czech
The article presents information about the preparation of the Dictionary of Early Modern Czech taking place at the Department of Language Development of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The Lexical Database of Humanistic and Baroque Czech is the basic material source for the creation of the planned dictionary. The authors evaluate the present state of knowledge in the field and describe the methodological and technical constraints given by the nature of historical texts. However, the structural method elaborated by Igor Němec makes it possible to sufficiently reconstruct objectively defunct parts of the lexical system that refer to extralingual reality which no longer exists. The authors conclude by defining the necessary technical, personnel, and institutional support required.
Key words: Early Modern Czech, lexicography, lexicology, structural approach
Klíčová slova: lexikografie, lexikologie, raněnovověká čeština, strukturní přístup
Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Valentinská 91/1, 116 46 Praha 1
Naše řeč, volume 102 (2019), issue 1-2
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