Radka Holanová
E-mail Communication between Patients and Doctors or Korťáky se mažou na noc (‘The Cream Is Applied before Bedtime’)
The study focuses on e-mail communication of patients addressed to paediatric doctors. The texts are often emotional, emphatic, and include a lot of diminutives and informal vocabulary used in spoken language, but also terminology, abbreviations, archaic words and forms, condensations and nominalizations typical for professional language. We also concentrate on politeness, mainly in addressing the doctors, as well as politeness formulas at the beginning and at the end of the e-mails.
Key words: E-mail, electronic communication, institutional communication, salutation, stylization, politeness
Klíčová slova: E-mail, elektronická komunikace, institucionální komunikace, oslovení, stylizace, zdvořilost
Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.
Katedra českého jazyka PedF UK
Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1
Naše řeč, volume 101 (2018), issue 1
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