Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

K vyjadřování reciprocity v češtině: souvýskyt výrazu jeden – druhý s reflexivem

Jiří Pergler



On expressing reciprocity in Czech: Co-occurrence of the expression jeden – druhý and the reflexive marker

The article deals with the Czech reciprocal syntactic pattern characterized by the co-occurrence of the reflexive marker and the bipartite reciprocal marker jedendruhý (with identical case marking) within one clause; this pattern has not been studied yet in Czech linguistics. After a brief introduction to the field of reciprocity, the most detailed existing model of the Czech reciprocity (developed earlier within the framework of Functional Generative Description) is shortly summarized, highlighting the fact that this model does not take into consideration the pattern in question. Thereafter, linguistic data drawn from both a written and a spoken corpus are presented in order to document the pattern; the co-occurrence is attested most frequently with the dative reflexive form si, although sporadic attestations were found with all other case forms of the reflexive pronoun as well. Attention is also paid to the possibilities of the linguistic interpretation of the co-occurrence, considering also some related patterns (e.g. the mutual co-occurrence of two different forms of the reflexive) as well as the situation in other languages.

Key words: co-occurrence, corpus, Czech, expression jedendruhý, reciprocity, reflexive marker
Klíčová slova: čeština, korpus, reciprocita, reflexivum, souvýskyt, výraz jeden druhý

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Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
Valentinská 91/1, 116 46 Praha 1

Naše řeč, volume 105 (2022), issue 4

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