Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

Anonymní dopisy a jazyková expertiza

Václava Musilová

[Short articles]


Anonymous letters and linguistic expertise

From the linguistic point of view, anonymous letters represent valuable textual material. Nevertheless, they are mostly unavailable to the majority of linguists due to their strict confidentiality. This article attempts to illustrate the specific character of such a linguistic analysis – authorʼs identification – with an older case: a series of defamatory and threatening letters concerning one family.

Key words: authorʼs identification, anonymous letters, authorʼs linguistic profile, defamatory and threatening letters
Klíčová slova: anonymní dopisy, identifikace autora, jazykový profil autora, pomlouvačné a výhrůžné dopisy

Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.

Na Blanseku 45, 143 00 Praha 4

Naše řeč, volume 105 (2022), issue 3

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