Časopis Naše řeč
en cz

Dvě relativizační strategie v češtině: konstrukčněgramatický přístup

Mirjam Fried, Karolína Lipská



Two relativization strategies in Czech: a constructional approach

The article presents a constructional analysis of a subgroup of Czech relative clauses (namely, those with the absolutive relativizer co), addressing specifically the question of the presence vs absence of the accusative resumptive pronoun in these clauses. Based on an earlier analysis of relevant corpus data concerning the differences in distribution (Fried, 2010), we now concentrate on the constructional status of these patterns, with partial reference to other subtypes of the absolutive relative clauses. Using the tools of Construction Grammar and exploring the notion of constructional maps, we propose organizing these patterns in a network of related constructions with shared as well as distinct characteristics; the network is further mapped onto a particular functional space. One of the advantages of such a representation consists in its ability to include minority configurations, transitions from one pattern to another, and, in general, any areas of categorial fluidity.

Key words: Construction Grammar, constructional map, relativizer, resumptive pronoun, relative clause
Klíčová slova: konstrukční gramatika, konstrukční mapa, relativizátor, resumptivní zájmeno, vztažná věta

Text je on-line k dispozici v databázi CEEOL.

Mirjam Fried
Ústav obecné lingvistiky FF UK
náměstí Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1

Karolína Lipská
Ústav obecné lingvistiky FF UK
náměstí Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1

Naše řeč, volume 103 (2020), issue 1-2

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